Farm Waste Management PlanNing
Farm Business Services provides a range of guidance and advice on the environmental issues impacting on the farming industry. Our consultants help farmers tackle issues relating to Nitrate Vunerable Zones (NVZ), Nutrient Budgeting and Farm Waste Management Plans. The practical and up to date advice provided by our consultants help businesses comply with legislation and maximise returns on any investment made in new waste storage facilities.
Farm Waste Management Plans - our consultants are experienced in preparing Farm Waste Management Plans (FWMP), over the last 4 years we have completed over 80 FWMP across Scotland for a range of farming enterprises including dairy units, beef farms and intensive poultry units. These plans are often prepared to support grant applications, or to establish additional storage requirements and in some circumstances at the request of SEPA where on farm issues have arisen.
As part of the FWMP process we will assess your existing waste storage facilities and provide advice on the type and size of new storage facilities which would best suit your needs. A FWMP plan is generally required by SEPA before approval is granted for any new waste storage facility.
Nutrient Budgeting - with the ever increasing cost of purchased crop nutrition the interest in Nutrient Budgets has increased in popularity as farm businesses seek to increase the efficiency of use of fertiliser and slurry. Using PLANET software our consultants will assess on a field by field basis the crop requirement and nutrients available within planned slurry and FYM applications. Each field is soil sampled and individual calculations carried out based on previous and planned cropping.
Nutrient Budgets can be updated annually to take into account applications of manure and fertiliser and are a useful cost control measure when implemented on farm.
As part of the previous SRDP Rural Priorities grant scheme Nutrient Budgets were generally requested to support large scale development such as new dairy units. FBS has developed approved templates for Nutrient Budgets and can provide advise at varying levels depending on the farmers own involvement in soil sampling and data gathering.
Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) - if you farm within a NVZ the business has an obligation to prepare annual budgets and maintain records of crop inputs. We provide a full Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) record keeping service which includes pro-active advice on compliance with the NVZ regulations. Our consultants can work with your business to regularly update your NVZ records and protect your Single Farm Payment income. Advice can be provided on how best to integrate the NVZ regulations with your farming system. Our record keeping service provides:
Pro-active advice on implications of NVZ regulations
Preparation of annual NVZ plan
Maintenance of NVZ records
Advice on compliance with NVZ regulations
Updates on changes in NVZ regulations